International mail order usually costs less than domestic mail order, which is probably why many people are not aware of the international postage costs when it comes to sending a postcard. When you go to choose a stamp, most post office around the world have different types of measuring and pricing system so that you can get the right postage based on your mailing needs. There are lots of international postage pricing system such as the ADR system or the Automated External Postage System or an EAS, which both cost different cents and are used mostly by international businesses to ship their products and packages internationally. A lot of international businesses also use the United States Postal Service or USPS, which is why postcards from there are often very expensive in comparison with international mail order postcards.
International postage rates are based on weight. The smaller the package or the smaller the letter, the less will be the postage for it. When you go to purchase the international postage stamps, they will usually give you a weight measurement that you need to use to know how much will be needed to mail your package. Then you will need to add on one additional ounce for the packing material like packing peanuts, which is around two ounces. A postcard usually takes around five to ten working days to arrive depending on the destination. If the package is over a certain size then it will take a longer time because there are more materials involved in mailing it.
How much does it cost to send an international letter using regular postage? If you want to know the cost of mailing an international letter with one or more attached packages, you may use the many stamp calculator online. This tool can help you calculate how much it will cost based on the number of pieces in each package, the postal meter needed to send it and many other factors.